Our students
160 estudiantes han pasado ya por nuestro Programa en 8 promociones
Séptima promoción
Aditus es un camino marcado por el trabajo, el esfuerzo y la superación.
Aditus ha representado para mí la puerta hacia la oportunidad y el autodescubrimiento. Inicié esta aventura con un objetivo más bien abstracto, que con el transcurso del tiempo adquirió una solidez y realidad cada vez mayores. A lo largo de este camino, me encontré con personas que compartían mis inquietudes e ilusiones, impulsándome a trabajar y luchar por mis sueños. Conté con un excepcional equipo de apoyo que nos guió hacia lo más alto, haciéndonos creer en la posibilidad de convertir esos sueños en realidad. Además, tuve la suerte de contar con tutores magníficos que me motivaron a cuestionar mi propia identidad, haciéndome así reflexionar sobre quién era y quién quería ser. Personas maravillosas que me llevaron a conocerme a mí misma y creyeron en mí hasta el final.
Aditus no es un camino lineal y exento de desafíos hacia la realización de un sueño. Más bien, es un camino marcado por el trabajo, el esfuerzo y la superación y considero que justo esos caminos son los que valen más la pena. En este recorrido, he aprendido que lo importante no es únicamente el resultado final, sino el proceso en sí: todo lo que hemos hecho y luchado para llegar hasta aquí. Con Aditus, he comprobado que los rechazos no son muros que te hacen perderte cual laberinto, sino escalones que te reconducen hacia el éxito.
Es por todo esto y por más que me siento infinitamente agradecida por las oportunidades y los recursos que me han sido proporcionados, así como por los aprendizajes que esta aventura me ha brindado. Sé firmemente que, independientemente del desenlace, me llevo a personas increíbles, un equipo maravilloso y una nueva yo, lista para caer y levantarse las veces que haga falta.
Sexta promoción
Todos estamos de acuerdo en lo enriquecedor que ha sido pertenecer a esta comunidad.
Aditus ha sido un verdadero impulso en mi educación. Me ha abierto puertas a oportunidades que no conocía y me ha permitido elegir mi futuro entre todas las opciones posibles. Con una amplia variedad de recursos, he tenido todo lo que necesitaba para completar el proceso de solicitudes a universidades. He tenido el apoyo de un preparador de exámenes y un grupo de apasionados tutores, además de una red de universitarios y profesionales. El equipo Aditus ha hecho un esfuerzo enorme por ayudarme a alcanzar mi objetivo.
Pero Aditus no es solo el proceso de solicitudes. Durante el camino he conocido a estudiantes con mis mismas inquietudes que me han permitido explorar mis gustos y han sido un apoyo fundamental para mi desarrollo personal este último año.
Y la recompensa ha llegado para todos nosotros en la sexta promoción. Sea estudiando en Estados Unidos, en Europa o en España, todos estamos de acuerdo en lo enriquecedor que ha sido pertenecer a esta comunidad.
5th cohort
This process has prompted us to give our full potential.
I would have never imagined how much Aditus would provide me with, and there is yet to come. My cohort, together with the tutors, has created an unbreakable and unforgettable bond. This process has prompted us to fulfill our full potential, and has broadened our vision. We have reflected on all aspects of our short life and our future. This has led to a deep introspection, and therefore helped us discover ourselves better.
This experience has made me realise that my dreams, which at first I saw so distant and intangible, with a lot of passion, effort and help can be achieved. I am very grateful to the Aditus team for their willingness to help us whenever we need it. They offer us all the necessary pathways and tools for the application process to American and / or British universities, and they accompany us throughout this intense journey.
I hope to make the most of this wonderful opportunity. In the end, whether or not you end up studying at the university you wished for, the enriching experience will have been worth it.
4th cohort
The college application process is — therefore — proving to be a true effort of self-discovery and improvement.
Aditus is offering me an academic and personal support network. At the beginning of my experience I thought that I had a well-defined image about my future and main academic motivations. This idea was, however, quickly challenged.
My tutors have encouraged me to explore my passions and to question my decisions, and even my identity. The college application process is — therefore — proving to be a true effort of self-discovery and improvement.
I especially appreciate my mentors’ dedication; I am lucky to have always found motivation and closeness in all our conversations. My decision to apply for a place at American and British universities comes from a notion of disagreement: I believe that to become a well-rounded person I must approach higher education accordingly. The liberal arts system would allow me to broaden my general knowledge. Aditus is giving me the means to take this step, and I hope that I will make good use of those resources.
Third cohort
What seemed like a dream, applying for a place at an elite university, becomes a reality in just a few months.
In a process in which you showcase your potential as a future student to a university, it is key to ask yourself in the initial stage of personal reflection: who am I? Who do I want to be? Only once you find your answer can you start building the self that exists in the applications. To do this, you have tutors to turn to who serve as a guide and help you put forward the side of yourself that you have just discovered.
With Aditus I have also learned to want to go further. What seemed like a dream, applying for a place at an elite university, becomes a reality in just a few months. By having access to the support of the whole team, you realize that it is not an unattainable goal and learn to project yourself into the future. You barely had answers to the question of how you see yourself in 5 years; now you have a myriad of ambitious ideas that you are aware you can carry out.
I am thus convinced that it is an experience that always results in success, whether or not you end up in your desired university, since the most important thing is everything you learn along the way. When you look back, you realize that you are no longer the same person who timidly started the journey.
Second cohort
After a year at Harvard, I am convinced that I made the right decision by coming to the United States.
As its name suggests, Aditus is an access, a door that opens countless others. What began as an unattainable dream little by little became a tangible reality thanks to the magnificent team behind the program (of which I am now a proud part), their enthusiasm and their know-how. Not only did they walk me through the application process, instructing and advising me, but they also guided me on the introspective journey it entails. I found my place thanks to Aditus, and for that I will be eternally grateful.
After a year at Harvard, I am convinced that I made the right decision by coming to the United States. Flexibility, interdisciplinarity and autonomy - values that are still uncommon in the Spanish system - are integrated into its teaching staff and student fabric that, in my opinion, inseparably tie personal and academic growth together. Harvard has allowed me to meet true leaders, some of them in crowded amphitheaters and others in the neighbour’s room; people who inspire me to become my best self, someone of value to society.
First cohort
Studying in the UK has completely changed my perspective of who I want to be.
When I joined Aditus thinking that it was just a program to help you study at an elite university, I was unaware of the personal transformation that I was going to experience. Aditus was a turning point not only in my academic life but also in my personal one. Aditus gives you all the tools you need to be successful in college and improve yourself, and if you make use of them properly you will be on your way to becoming a different person! A better person, more mature and prepared for the outside world; a great advantage over the rest of the students.
Studying in the UK has completely changed my perspective of who I want to be. It has opened up a world of possibilities and has helped me grow and explore opportunities that I couldn't have accessed anywhere else.
4th cohort
The college application process is — therefore — proving to be a true effort of self-discovery and improvement.
Aditus is offering me an academic and personal support network. At the beginning of my experience I thought that I had a well-defined image about my future and main academic motivations. This idea was, however, quickly challenged.
My tutors have encouraged me to explore my passions and to question my decisions, and even my identity. The college application process is — therefore — proving to be a true effort of self-discovery and improvement.
I especially appreciate my mentors’ dedication; I am lucky to have always found motivation and closeness in all our conversations. My decision to apply for a place at American and British universities comes from a notion of disagreement: I believe that to become a well-rounded person I must approach higher education accordingly. The liberal arts system would allow me to broaden my general knowledge. Aditus is giving me the means to take this step, and I hope that I will make good use of those resources.
Harvard University
After a year at Harvard, I am convinced that I made the right decision by coming to the United States.
As its name suggests, Aditus is an access, a door that opens countless others. What began as an unattainable dream little by little became a tangible reality thanks to the magnificent team behind the program (of which I am now a proud part), their enthusiasm and their know-how. Not only did they walk me through the application process, instructing and advising me, but they also guided me on the introspective journey it entails. I found my place thanks to Aditus, and for that I will be eternally grateful.
After a year at Harvard, I am convinced that I made the right decision by coming to the United States. Flexibility, interdisciplinarity and autonomy - values that are still uncommon in the Spanish system - are integrated into its teaching staff and student fabric that, in my opinion, inseparably tie personal and academic growth together. Harvard has allowed me to meet true leaders, some of them in crowded amphitheaters and others in the neighbour’s room; people who inspire me to become my best self, someone of value to society.
Imperial College London
What seemed like a dream, applying for a place at an elite university, becomes a reality in just a few months.
In a process in which you showcase your potential as a future student to a university, it is key to ask yourself in the initial stage of personal reflection: who am I? Who do I want to be? Only once you find your answer can you start building the self that exists in the applications. To do this, you have tutors to turn to who serve as a guide and help you put forward the side of yourself that you have just discovered.
With Aditus I have also learned to want to go further. What seemed like a dream, applying for a place at an elite university, becomes a reality in just a few months. By having access to the support of the whole team, you realize that it is not an unattainable goal and learn to project yourself into the future. You barely had answers to the question of how you see yourself in 5 years; now you have a myriad of ambitious ideas that you are aware you can carry out.
I am thus convinced that it is an experience that always results in success, whether or not you end up in your desired university, since the most important thing is everything you learn along the way. When you look back, you realize that you are no longer the same person who timidly started the journey.
University of Manchester
Studying in the UK has completely changed my perspective of who I want to be.
When I joined Aditus thinking that it was just a program to help you study at an elite university, I was unaware of the personal transformation that I was going to experience. Aditus was a turning point not only in my academic life but also in my personal one. Aditus gives you all the tools you need to be successful in college and improve yourself, and if you make use of them properly you will be on your way to becoming a different person! A better person, more mature and prepared for the outside world; a great advantage over the rest of the students.
Studying in the UK has completely changed my perspective of who I want to be. It has opened up a world of possibilities and has helped me grow and explore opportunities that I couldn't have accessed anywhere else.
Our first cohort begins in 2017 in Madrid. 10 students.
Our second cohort, with 12 students.
In our third cohort we had 14 students.
In the fourth, 18, from all around Spain.
En la quinta, con 22.
En la sexta, con 19
En la séptima, con 25
25 estudiantes integran la 8ª promoción
Casos de éxito que se han incorporado a sus universidades:
Séptima promoción
Admitido en la Universidad de Yale para un grado en Informática y Economía.
Admitida en la Universidad de Yale para un grado en Ciencias de la Computación.
Admitido en la Universidad de Stanford para un grado en Symbolic Sistems.
Admitida en la Universidad de Columbia para un grado en Astrofísica.
University of Pennsylvania
Admitida en la Universidad de Pennsylvania para un grado en Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencias Políticas.
University of Wageningen
Admitida en la Universidad de Wageningen para un grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos.
Calvin University of Chicago
Admitida en la Calvin University of Chicago para un grado en Educación y Ciencias Políticas.
Embry Riddle
Admitido en Embry Riddle (campus Florida) para un grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial.
Sexta promoción
Duke University
Admitido en la Universidad de Duke para un grado en Matemáticas e Informática.
Northwestern University
Admitida en la Universidad de Northwestern para un grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial y Matemáticas.
Admitida en la Universidad de Yale para un grado en Biología Molecular.
University of Pennsylvania
Admitido en la Universidad de Pennsylvania para un grado en Física.
Georgia Tech
Admitido en la Universidad de Georgia Tech para un grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial.
Admitida en la Universidad de Gonzaga para un grado en Matemáticas y Biología.
University of Gröningen
Admitido en la Universidad de Gröningen para un grado en Astronomía.
University of Gröningen
Admitido en la Universidad de Gröningen para un doble grado en Física y Matemáticas.
5th cohort
Northwestern University
Admitida en la Universidad de Northwestern para un grado en Cine y Ciencias Políticas.
Harvard University
Admitida en la Universidad de Harvard para un grado en Ciencias Sociales.
University of Pennsylvania
Admitida en la Universidad de Pennsylvania para un grado en Ciencia Cognitiva.
4th cohort
Admitted at the universities of Harvard and Yale for a degree in Philosophy and Environmental Studies.
University of Columbia
Admitted at the University of Columbia for a degree in Art History and Visual Arts.
University of Manchester
Admitted at the University of Manchester for a degree in Biology.
Imperial College
Admitido en Imperial College en un grado de Ingeniería Biomolecular.
Third cohort
Imperial College London
Admitted at Imperial College London for a degree in Physics.
University of Bath
Admitted at the University of Bath for a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science.
University of Manchester
Admitted at the University of Manchester for a degree in Physics and Philosophy.
Jimena Medina
Admitido en la
Inés Blanco
Admitido en
Cayetano Fernández
Admitido en
University College London
Admitted at University College London for a degree in Natural Sciences.
University of Pennsylvania
Admitted at the University of Pennsylvania as a Benjamin Franklin Scholar.
Cornell University
Admitted at Cornell University for a degree in Engineering.
University College London
Admitida en University College London en un grado de Ingeniería Biomédica.
Second cohort
Harvard University
Admitted at Harvard University for a degree in Political Sciences and Philosophy.
University of Pennsylvania
Admitida en la Universidad de Pennsylvania en un grado de Ciencias Biológicas y Moleculares. Premio Roy and Diana Vagelos Scholars Program.
University of Columbia
Admitted at the University of Columbia for a degree in Physics.
Millán González-Bueno Aguirre
Admitido en la Universidad de Harvard en un grado en Ciencias Políticas y Filosofía
Elena Isasi Theus
Admitida en la Universidad de Pennsylvania en un grado en Ciencias Biológicas en el Roy and Diana Vagelos Scholars Program.
Pablo Drake Hernández
Admitido en la Universidad de Columbia en un grado en Física.
Imperial College London
Admitted at Imperial College London for a degree in Biological Sciences.
University of Warwick
Admitted at the University of Warwick for a degree in Mathematics.
University of Manchester
Admitted at the University of Manchester for a degree in Physics and Astrophysics.
Northwestern University
Admitted at the University of Northwestern for a degree in Environmental Sciences and Economics.
Noemí Herrera Martín
Admitida en la Imperial College London en un grado en Ciencias Biológicas.
Jorge Gallego Feliciano
Admitido en la Universidad de Warwick en un grado en Matemáticas.
Pedro Lavín Szerezevsky
Admitido en la Universidad de Manchester en un grado en Física con Astrofísica.
First cohort
Harvey Mudd University
Admitted at Harvey Mudd University for a degree in Physics and Maths.
Rochester University
Admitted at Rochester University for a degree in Electronic Engineering and Economics.
University of Manchester
Admitted at the University of Manchester for a degree in Physics and Astrophysics.
Ignacio Listo Rosales
Admitido en la Universidad Harvey Mudd en un grado de Física y Matemáticas.
Juan Gómez Lagándara
Admitido en la Universidad de Rochester en un grado en Ingeniería Electrónica con Economía.
Leo Villalba Rocha
Admitido en la Universidad de Manchester en un grado en Física y Astrofísica.